Power GaN transistor

600 W GaN packaged asymmetric Doherty power transistor for base station applications at frequencies from 700 MHz to 1000 MHz.

Features and benefits

  • Excellent digital pre-distortion capability
  • High efficiency
  • Designed for broadband operation
  • Lower output capacitance for improved performance in Doherty applications
  • For RoHS compliance see the product details on the Ampleon website


  • RF power amplifier for base stations and multi carrier applications in the 700 MHz to 1000 MHz frequency range


Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ/Nom Max Unit
frange frequency range 700 1000 MHz
PL(4dB) nominal output power at 4 dB gain compression 600 W
Test signal: 1-c W-CDMA
VDS drain-source voltage PL(AV) = 83 W [0] 48 V
Gp power gain PL(AV) = 83 W [0] 17 18.2 dB
ηD drain efficiency PL(AV) = 83 W [0] 56 61 %
RLin input return loss PL(AV) = 83 W [0] -16.5 -8 dB
ACPR adjacent channel power ratio PL(AV) = 83 W [0] -24.4 -18 dBc

Package / Packing

Type number Package Outline version Reflow-/Wave
Packing Product status Marking Orderable part number,
(Ordering code (12NC))
C4H10P600A OMP-780-4F-1
omp-780-4f-1_po TR13; 100-fold; 44 mm; dry pack Active Standard Marking C4H10P600AY
(9349 605 58518)

Pinning info

Pin Symbol Description Simplified outline Graphic symbol
1 G1 gate1 (main)
2 G2 gate2 (peak)
3 D2 drain2 (peak)
4 D1 drain1 (main)
5 S source

Ordering & availability

Type number Ordering code (12NC) Orderable part number Distributor Buy online Samples
C4H10P600A 9349 605 58518 C4H10P600AY DigiKey Buy Request samples

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