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UHF power LDMOS transistor

A 600 W LDMOS RF power transistor for broadcast transmitter applications and industrial applications. The excellent ruggedness of this device makes it ideal for digital and analog transmitter applications.


Whitepaper Doherty Architectures in UHF

This White Paper explains different PA architectures which can be used in today’s UHF Broadcast industry. 

In this paper a brief discussion will be given to explain these new Doherty architectures and to help customers finding the best solution for their transmitter. Ampleon’s transistor family BLF8XX can support these Doherty architectures.

Click here to download.

Features and benefits

  • Excellent ruggedness (VSWR ≥ 40 : 1 through all phases)
  • Optimum thermal behavior and reliability, Rth(j-c) = 0.15 K/W
  • Suitable for CW UHF and ISM applications
  • High power gain
  • High efficiency
  • Designed for broadband operation (470 MHz to 860 MHz)
  • Internal input matching for high gain and optimum broadband operation
  • Excellent reliability
  • Easy power control
  • Compliant to Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive 2002/95/EC


  • Communication transmitter applications in the UHF band
  • Industrial applications in the UHF band


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Design tool

RF Power Lifetime Calculator


UHF power LDMOS transistor



Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ/Nom Max Unit
frange frequency range 470 860 MHz
PL(1dB) nominal output power at 1 dB gain compression 600 W
Test signal: DVB-T (8k OFDM)
Gp power gain VDS = 50 V; f = 858 MHz 20 dB
ηD drain efficiency VDS = 50 V; f = 858 MHz; IDq = 1.3 A 31 %
PL(AV) average output power VDS = 50 V; f = 858 MHz 120 W
IMDshldr intermodulation distortion shoulder attenuation f = 858 MHz [0] -31 dBc
PAR peak-to-average ratio f = 858 MHz [1] 7.8 dB

Package / Packing

Type number Package Outline version Reflow-/Wave
Packing Product status Marking Orderable part number,
(Ordering code (12NC))
sot539a_po Bulk Pack Transferred Standard Marking BLF888A,112
(9340 643 42112)

Pinning info

Pin Symbol Description Simplified outline Graphic symbol
1 D1 drain1
2 D2 drain2
3 G1 gate1
4 G2 gate2
5 S source

Ordering & availability

Type number Ordering code (12NC) Orderable part number Distributor Buy online Samples
BLF888A 9340 643 42112 BLF888A,112 Flip Electronics Buy Not available

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