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This device has been transferred from Ampleon to Rochester Electronics.

This device has been transferred from Ampleon to Rochester Electronics.

Avionics LDMOS transistor

200 W LDMOS avionics power transistor for transmitter applications at frequencies from 1030 MHz to 1090 MHz.

Features and benefits

  • High power gain
  • Easy power control
  • Excellent ruggedness
  • Source on mounting base eliminates DC isolators, reducing inductance


  • Avionics transmitter applications in the 1030 to 1090 MHz frequency range


Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ/Nom Max Unit
frange frequency range 1030 1090 MHz
PL(1dB) nominal output power at 1 dB gain compression 200 W
Test signal: Pulsed RF
Gp power gain PL = 200 W; VDS = 36 V 13 15 dB
ηD drain efficiency VDS = 36 V; 1030 MHz ≤ f ≤ 1090 MHz; IDq = 50 mA; tp = 50 μs; σ = 2 % 45 50 %
PL output power tp = 50 μs; σ = 2 % 200 W
tr rise time VDS = 36 V 50 ns
tf fall time VDS = 36 V 50 ns

Package / Packing

Type number Package Outline version Reflow-/Wave
Packing Product status Marking Orderable part number,
(Ordering code (12NC))
BLA1011-200 SOT502A
sot502a_po Bulk Pack Transferred Standard Marking BLA1011-200,112
(9340 564 68112)

Pinning info

Pin Symbol Description Simplified outline Graphic symbol
1 D drain
2 G gate
3 S source

Ordering & availability

Type number Ordering code (12NC) Orderable part number Distributor Buy online Samples
BLA1011-200 9340 564 68112 BLA1011-200,112 Rochester Electronics Buy Not available

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