Power GaN transistor

550 W GaN packaged asymmetric Doherty power transistor for base station applications at frequencies from 2300 MHz to 2400 MHz.

Features and benefits

  • Excellent digital pre-distortion capability
  • High efficiency
  • Designed for broadband operation
  • Lower output capacitance for improved performance in Doherty applications
  • Internally matched for ease of use
  • For RoHS compliance see the product details on the Ampleon website


  • RF power amplifier for base stations and multi carrier applications in the 2300 MHz to 2400 MHz frequency range


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Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ/Nom Max Unit
frange frequency range 2300 2400 MHz
PL(4dB) nominal output power at 4 dB gain compression 550 W
Test signal: 1-c W-CDMA
VDS drain-source voltage PL(AV) = 67.6 W [0] 48 V
Gp power gain PL(AV) = 67.6 W [0] 15.3 16.2 dB
ηD drain efficiency PL(AV) = 67.6 W [0] 43 48 %
RLin input return loss PL(AV) = 67.6 W [0] -11 -7 dB
ACPR adjacent channel power ratio PL(AV) = 67.6 W [0] -30 -24 dBc

Package / Packing

Type number Package Outline version Reflow-/Wave
Packing Product status Marking Orderable part number,
(Ordering code (12NC))
C4H24F550AV SOT1249B
sot1249b_po Tray; 20-fold; dry pack Active Standard Marking C4H24F550AVZ
(9349 605 65517)
TR13; 100-fold; 44 mm; dry pack Active Standard Marking C4H24F550AVY
(9349 605 65518)

Pinning info

Pin Symbol Description Simplified outline Graphic symbol
1 D1 drain1 (main)
2 D2 drain2 (peak)
3 G1 gate1 (main)
4 G2 gate2 (peak)
5 S source
6 VDM video decoupling (main)
7 VDP video decoupling (peak)

Ordering & availability

Type number Ordering code (12NC) Orderable part number Distributor Buy online Samples
C4H24F550AV 9349 605 65517 C4H24F550AVZ RFMW Buy Not available
C4H24F550AV 9349 605 65518 C4H24F550AVY DigiKey Buy Request samples

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