LDMOS 2-stage integrated Doherty MMIC

The BLM10D2327-40AB is a 2-stage fully integrated asymmetrical Doherty MMIC solution using Ampleon’s state of the art GEN10 LDMOS technology. The carrier and peaking device, input splitter, output combiner and pre-match are integrated in a single package. This multiband device is perfectly suited as a final stage for small cells and massive MIMO applications in the frequency range from 2500 MHz to 2700 MHz. Available in PQFN outline.

Features and benefits

  • Integrated input splitter
  • Integrated output combiner
  • 20 Ω output impedance thanks to integrated pre-match
  • Very high efficiency thanks to asymmetry
  • Designed for wideband operation (frequency 2500 MHz to 2700 MHz)
  • Independent control of carrier and peaking bias
  • Integrated ESD protection
  • Source impedance 50 Ω; high power gain
  • For RoHS compliance see the product details on the Ampleon website


  • RF power MMIC for multi-carrier and multi-standard GSM, W-CDMA and LTE base stations in the 2500 MHz to 2700 MHz frequency range


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LDMOS 2-stage integrated Doherty MMIC



Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ/Nom Max Unit
frange frequency range 2500 2700 MHz
PL(3dB) nominal output power at 3 dB gain compression 37 W
Test signal: 8-c LTE 20 MHz (160 MHz) PAR = 8.5 dB
VDS drain-source voltage 8-carrier LTE 20 MHz (160 MHz) PAR = 8.5 dB [0] 28 V
Gp power gain 8-carrier LTE 20 MHz (160 MHz) PAR = 8.5 dB [0] 28 dB
ηD drain efficiency 8-carrier LTE 20 MHz (160 MHz) PAR = 8.5 dB [0] 44 %
PL(AV) average output power 8-carrier LTE 20 MHz (160 MHz) PAR = 8.5 dB [0] 5.75 W

Package / Packing

Type number Package Outline version Reflow-/Wave
Packing Product status Marking Orderable part number,
(Ordering code (12NC))
BLM10D2327-40AB PQFN20
sot1462-1_po Reel 7" Q1/T1 in Drypack Active Standard Marking BLM10D2327-40ABZ
(9349 602 35515)
T&R Drypack Active Standard Marking BLM10D2327-40ABX
(9349 602 35525)

Pinning info

Pin Symbol Description Simplified outline Graphic symbol
1 VDS2 drain-source voltage of final stages
2 n.c. not connected
3 n.c. not connected
4 VGS(carr) gate-source voltage of carrier
5 VGS(peak) gate-source voltage of peaking
6 VDS1 drain-source voltage of driver stages
7 GND RF ground
8 RF_IN RF input
9 GND RF ground
10 VDS1 drain-source voltage of driver stages
11 VGS(peak) gate-source voltage of peaking
12 VGS(carr) gate-source voltage of carrier
13 n.c. not connected
14 n.c. not connected
15 n.c. not connected
16 RF_OUT/VDS2 RF output / drain-source voltage of final stages
17 RF_OUT/VDS2 RF output / drain-source voltage of final stages
18 RF_OUT/VDS2 RF output / drain-source voltage of final stages
19 RF_OUT/VDS2 RF output / drain-source voltage of final stages
20 RF_OUT/VDS2 RF output / drain-source voltage of final stages
flange GND RF ground

Ordering & availability

Type number Ordering code (12NC) Orderable part number Distributor Buy online Samples
BLM10D2327-40AB 9349 602 35515 BLM10D2327-40ABZ DigiKey Buy Request samples
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BLM10D2327-40AB 9349 602 35525 BLM10D2327-40ABX DigiKey Buy Not available
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Design support

Title Type Date
Printed-Circuit Board (PCB) BLM10D2327-40AB (Data sheet) Design support 2019-08-16