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This device has been transferred from Ampleon to Rochester Electronics.

This device has been transferred from Ampleon to Rochester Electronics.

HF/VHF power transistor

NPN silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for use in class-A,AB and B operated high power industrial and military transmitting equipment in the HF and VHF band.

Features and benefits

  • Excellent performance as a linear amplifier
  • Guaranteed to withstand severe load mismatch


  • Industrial and military transmitters


Symbol Parameter Conditions Min Typ/Nom Max Unit
frange frequency range 1.6 28 MHz
Mode of operation: S.S.B (class-AB)
Gp power gain VCC = 50 V; IC = 7 A; 1.6 MHz < f < 28 MHz; PL(PEP) = 200 W [0] 13.5 dB
PL(PEP) peak envelope power 25 200 W
ηC collector efficiency 1.6 MHz < f < 28 MHz; PL(PEP) = 200 W; VCE = 50 V 40 %

Package / Packing

Type number Package Outline version Reflow-/Wave
Packing Product status Marking Orderable part number,
(Ordering code (12NC))
BLW96/01 CRFM4
sot121b_po Bulk Pack Transferred Standard Marking BLW96/01,112
(9336 556 30112)

Pinning info

Simplified outline Graphic symbol

Ordering & availability

Type number Ordering code (12NC) Orderable part number Distributor Buy online Samples
BLW96/01 9336 556 30112 BLW96/01,112 Rochester Electronics Buy Not available

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