Press release | Product news

Highly efficient 1600 Watt extremely rugged RF power transistor targets 50 V FM radio broadcast applications

Reference: APN050 | Date: September 24, 2018

Nijmegen, The Netherlands, September 24, 2018  Ampleon today announced the high power rugged BLF189XRA RF power transistor aimed at broadcast FM radio applications transmitting in the 88 – 108 MHz frequency range.

Operating from an industry standard 50 V power source the BLF189XRA delivers over 1,600 Watt (CW). Featuring best in class operating power efficiency (>82 %), the transistor’s “green” credentials help deliver an environmentally-friendly performance and being capable of delivering such power levels from a single SOT539 package reduces the number of RF power transistors required overall. In addition, for a given output power requirement, reducing the number of PA transistors required keeps the size and costs of a transmitter to a minimum.

The BLF189XRA is an extremely rugged device that can withstand a VSWR of 65:1, conditions which might be encountered in a harsh operating environment or during maintenance routines.

Ampleon’s stable manufacturing production processes aids maintaining high levels of product consistency which coupled with comprehensive application support helps end-equipment manufacturers reduce the time needed to bring their product to market.


For further information and reader enquiries:

Susanne Schorn, Corporate Communications,
Ampleon Netherlands B.V.,
Halfgeleiderweg 8, 6534 AV Nijmegen, The Netherlands,
Tel: +31 6 83 63 10 59,

About Ampleon:

Created in 2015, Ampleon is shaped by 50 years of RF power leadership and is set to exploit the full potential of data and energy transfer in RF. Ampleon has more than 1,350 employees worldwide, dedicated to creating optimal value for customers. Its innovative, yet consistent portfolio offers products and solutions for a wide range of applications, such as mobile broadband infrastructure, radio & TV broadcasting, CO2 lasers & plasma, MRI, particle accelerators, radar & air-traffic control, non-cellular communications, RF cooking & defrosting, RF heating and plasma lighting. For details on the leading global partner in RF Power, visit